Wednesday, June 17, 2015

What I learned from Randy Pausch.

         Have you ever had a childhood dream that just seemed so incredible, but you felt like you would never achieve it the older you became? Well, Randy Pausch believes that everyone should try to live out their childhood dreams no matter how crazy they are. He believes we should be enablers of childhood dreams and I agree. Who are we to tell children that their dreams are impossible? I want to be the type of person who tells her students to go after the impossible. I want them to realize that they really can live out their dreams if they put their minds to it.
          For this blog post, the main thing I am going to talk about is what I learned from Randy Pausch about teaching and learning. Randy Pausch talked about a lot of things, but one of the things he stressed was making connections and working together. He taught a class that was only group projects, and it reminded me a lot Project Based Learning. I’ve talked about project based learning before, and I think it is great that this professor taught a class that was strictly project based. It really helps you learn, and connect with other people who you may have never talked to beforehand.  
          Another thing that Randy Pausch talked about was teaching your students how to be self reflective. I believe this is an important thing for students to learn because it is always good to be able to critique your work after you finish it. Being able to be self reflective helps you do better the next time you have a similar project. For teachers, I believe this is very important because you constantly have to change your lesson plans based on what worked and did not work. Teachers can reuse lesson plans for the next year, so they need to be able to critique their lesson plans to better the lesson quality.

         Lastly, I want to end with a quote that Randy Pausch said during his last lecture, “Find the best in everybody, no one is completely evil.”

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