Sunday, June 14, 2015

Going Green!

          Going green is a relatively new saying that we hear all the time, but what does it really mean? Our society is very fast paced, and constantly moving. Most people do not have time to think about things like recycling or conservation, and that is completely understandable. The thing is every day we are losing more and more animals, and we are hurting our environment due to waste, especially plastic waste. For instance, we are losing a lot of birds due to them eating the plastic caps from plastic bottles. The birds will think they are full, but they can’t digest the plastic so they end up dying of starvation. Other animals are affected too. Such as turtles, marine mammals, and multiple big species of fish. I am very passionate about recycling and conservation, so today I will be talking about the different easy ways we can, as they say, Go Green.  
          I recently read this article called “15 Easy Ways Students Can Go Green”. The article had some great advice that anyone can do. I also felt like it would be easy to teach this to my students one day. Here are some ways to go green that I found to be very useful:

1.     Adopt reusable bag practices.
I think this idea will come in handy for me when I become a teacher. Most teachers have a low budget for supplies for the classroom, and reusing plastic bags year after year can really save money, and the earth! All you have to do is wash the bags out and they are almost like brand new.

2.     Say Goodbye to Bottled Water.
If you do not have the means to recycle, then you can stop buying water bottles. All you have to do is reuse plastic bottled water, or just buy a simple water bottle from the store.

3.     Think About Your Water Usage.
Ever heard of the old saying, “Save some for the fish.”? Well, you can easily do that by turning off the water while you brush your teeth, and by reducing your shower time a little to help save water.

4.     Recycle, Recycle, Recycle.
If you have the means to recycle, then recycle plastics, aluminum, and paper products. That is the best way to help the environment.

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