Sunday, June 14, 2015

What I Learned From Anthony Capps. (Blog Post 6)

One of the major things that I have learned while watching these videos is that it is possible to have students learn by using technology on their own. I was taught using a traditional approach to teaching, so the idea of all of my future students being able to use technology on their own is fascinating to me. I also love the idea of using Project based learning in the classroom. I know that students learn the best when they are engaged, and project based learning really hits on that perspective. The students can really research a topic and express their ideas through PBL, and they feel prideful of their project because it is something they created.
I also learned about two tools that I can use in my classroom called iCurio and Discovery Ed. The program iCurio is a tool that students can use as a search engine to find information about different topics. They can also use it to find pictures and videos. One thing about iCurio that I thought was really neat for students, is if they find an article or picture that they want to use in the future they can just save it into a folder in iCurio. I think this is a great tool because they will not forget where they read the information they needed for the project they are working on. Discovery Ed is a tool students can use as a search engine as well, but this website focuses on science. Plus with Discovery Ed, There are pictures with every article the student looks at. Children are visual learners so this helps what they are learning about to stick in their head.

Another thing that I learned is how important it is to be flexible as a teacher. Not every project or assignment you give to your students is going to work. There will be mishaps, and you as a teacher will have to be prepared to improvise. I liked what Mr. Capps said about lesson plans, “You want to start with an end goal.” You have to think about what you are going to be teaching for the whole year, break it down into units, and then think about what you are going to be teaching each week within that unit. This is a great way to think about lesson plans, because you will be more prepared if you have a bigger goal to look forward to.  

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